Hygiene Restaurant

Food Hygiene, otherwise known as Food Safety can be defined as handling, preparing and storing food or drink in a way that best reduces the risk of consumers becoming sick from the food-borne disease. The principles of food safety aim to prevent food from becoming contaminated and causing food poisoning.

Safe food handling practices are required in any commercial kitchen to prevent the spread of bacteria and disease. Hygienic food preparation follows a few basic principles that will reduce your risk of liability and help you remain in compliance with local sanitation requirements. Here are four key components every restaurateur should keep in mind.


Cross-contamination occurs whenever bacteria or other harmful substances are transferred from one food item to another. It often happens whenever juices from raw meat seep onto other foods from shared cutting boards or countertops. To avoid cross-contamination, you should:

  • Use different surfaces or areas to prepare meat, poultry, and vegetables.
  • Disinfect cutting boards, knives, and other equipment immediately following use.
  • Wash hands prior to preparation, and again immediately after touching raw foods.
  • Store raw food in a separate area of your refrigerator or freezer.


Another way to prevent the spread of bacteria is to keep your kitchen sparkling clean. In addition to washing hands and dishes, you should:

  • Wipe up spills and other messes as you go.
  • Use the appropriate disinfecting products to clean counters, stoves, walls, and floors.
  • Take out the trash often. Do not allow it to build up.

When it comes to cleaning, personal hygiene and food hygiene are synonymous. Not only should your employees have good personal hygiene, but they should also wear clean clothing, remove dirt from underneath their fingernails, and use hair and/or beard nets as appropriate.


Certain foods must be refrigerated at the right temperature in order to preserve them. Eggs, milk, and dairy products should be refrigerated, in addition to prepared salads. Use a thermometer to check the temperature of your refrigerator to ensure it is around 40 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. Have a backup plan in place in the event one or more of your refrigerator units goes down.

When preparing or serving food, limit the amount of time your items are out at room temperature. Surrounding containers with plenty of ice will help keep them cold and maximize the amount of time you can safely leave them out.

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